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Digital Marketing Skills

What are the Skills Required for a Digital Marketer

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Want to be a Digital Marketer, have a look at the following skills

Today's digital marketing experts must have a diverse skill set, including a sophisticated grasp of available media channels, the ability to identify up-and-coming opportunities, on top of having the basic skills of a brilliant marketer.

15 essential skills all digital marketers must have

Anyone can become an expert in digital marketing, it all depends on the efforts you put on the skills that you are willing to have.

Any digital marketer must have latest knowledge about the internet and tools for advertisements. What's more, they have to possess a balance of critical and creative thinking skills in order to drive measurable success for their company.

1. Paid social media advertising expertise

One should have good expertise knowledge in paid and organic search results and how it works. A new digital marketing hire should be well-versed in paid social media advertising, especially through Facebook or a similar social platform that our company uses regularly. 

2. Sales skills

For any job Selling skills are very important. Once you are able to sell Ice to People in Iceland you are the best in selling skills. Things I found is that people who have sold successfully are much better marketers. They know how to engage with people and turn them into sales opportunities. While your digital marketers may not be closing deals directly, they need to know how to sell or they'll be wasting your valuable marketing dollars without generating qualified lead opportunities for your sales team.

3. Specific marketing channel expertise

Many marketers who excel in virtues different marketing channel: email, SEO, SEM, social, etc. And many channels might work for you, but the key to a successful marketing strategy is focusing on a few channels and using them really well. Often that means understanding the dynamics of that marketing channel deeply and leveraging those dynamics for your specific company.

4. The ability to think objectively

Marketers are usually one of the most passionate workers in the office. However, that passion can often cloud the judgment and measurement of marketing theories and initiatives. A marketer who can separate themselves from their work will navigate with an objective eye that can focus on what actually works — not just what they hoped would work.

5. The ability to execute and analyze drip marketing campaigns

Inbound marketing is a key skill in driving lead generation. While many marketers can come up with an initial innovative engagement strategy or CPC campaign, what intrigues me more is how they examine the incoming data and create a robust drip marketing campaign. Great automation on these campaigns is not about sending the same email to the entire flock that the campaign gathers. It's about personal, well-written communication that varies depending on the actions performed seven emails deep into the campaign. 

6. Creativity and analytical skills

Digital marketing requires both creative thinking and analytical thinking, so one should possess both skills. One of the best platforms for Analytics is google analytics. Creativity cums with passion and work. 

7. Good copy and visual storytelling abilities

Digital media is a copy- and visual-driven medium unlike any other before it. Our social heart is won over (or double clicked on) by copy that is relevant and visuals that pull on our emotional strings. The native understanding and ability to manipulate those two elements is critical in today's digital marketing landscape.

8. Good personality

Networking and Relationship building is such a huge component of digital marketing, and a likable personality can go a long way. With so many people trying to connect with publishers, bloggers, journalists, and influencers, someone with a great personality will always stand out and command attention. 

9. Understand how  WordPress or Blogger works

With so many platforms like Blogger and WordPress, it is a vital technical tool to add to your toolbox. If you want to create and manage a blog or even a website, WordPress has become the go-to platform for digital marketers. It also helps to continually educate yourself on new plug-ins and functionality because WordPress is always offering something new and useful that speeds up content production.

10. Promoting yourself 

Before all one should be proud of themselves and promote themselves unless they promote themselves they can not do the job properly. To apply this knowledge in promoting your self even before the interviewer. 
If you're telling me that you have a strong understanding of social media and leveraging brands, then it should be very easy for you to do the same with your own.

11. Understanding the importance of briefing(Expressing within 100 to 140 characters)

It doesn't matter how good your product is if you can't communicate your value proposition to potential customers in fewer than 140 characters. Digital marketers must be efficient and effective with minimal messaging.

12. The ability to analyze quantifiable metrics

Prioritizing any work is another important skill that everyone should possess. Nowadays freelancers are the best because of prioritizing their work properly. Now, more than ever, being able to quantify the value of investing in marketing and advertising is vital. The battle for supremacy in the marketplace is not won in whole percentage points any longer. 

13. Listening skills

For any job, Listening skill is very important. As a digital marketer, our ability to promote our services through words, images, video, and social media is essential. Digital marketing also provides an opportunity for its specialists to listen to various groups of people, from clients to consumers, in new ways. Through social media and analytical tools, we can listen to our consumers' thoughts on a product, relevant issue or our own services. 

14. Agility

Being flexible is another important skill that everyone should possess if you want to become a digital marketing expert. At least once a month a newish form pushes its way into relevancy, or a major platform adjusts its algorithm. 

15. Basic design skills

Ability to communicate the message properly with anyone is extremely important. However, digital marketing involves more than just words. A large part of digital marketing is about visual appearance. Anyone who calls themselves a digital marketer should have at least some basic knowledge of HTML, CSS or Photoshop.
